1920: Evil Returns is an upcoming Bollywood horror film written by Vikram Bhatt and directed by Bhushan Patel. The film is a quasi-sequel to a 2008 film 1920, and stars Aftab Shivdasani, Tia Bajpai and Sagar Saikia in the lead roles. The film is under production stage, and is scheduled to release on November 2, 2012. The movie is third in a series of quasi-sequels released under the Bhatt Banner including Raaz – The Mystery Continues, Murder 2, Jism 2, Jannat 2 and Raaz 3D each of which had nothing to do with their respective prequels, but somehow fell in the same genre following a similar story. The trailer has been released on sept. 28 2012 and the first look is quite impressive.
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Apnaa Mujhe Tu Lagaa Sonu NigamUska Hi Banana Arijit Singh
Jaavedaan Hai K.K, Suzanne D'mello
Khud Ko Tere Mahalaxmi Iyer
Majboor Tu Bhi Kahin Amit Mishra
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1920 Evil Returns - 128Kbps Zip File 128Kbps 30.5 Mb1920 Evil Returns - 320Kbps Zip File 128Kbps 49.9 Mb
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